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Studio With Swimming Pool 80 meters near the beach

Studio With Swimming Pool 80 meters near the beach

一室公寓 - 帶游泳池位于著名的旅游觀光區——費布倫,讓您的旅程變得更加輕松愉悅。 住宿為顧客配備了一系列的設施和服務,旨在讓各位住客能夠享受更多舒適與便捷。 免費房內WiFi, WiFi上網(公共區域), 停車場, 指定吸煙區, 儲物柜等設施都已配備,以供住客使用。 客房裝飾精美,部分還內設 平板電視, 清潔工具, 衣架, 床單, 私人通道等設施。 住宿內設多種休閑娛樂設施。 不論您出行尼斯的原因為何,一室公寓 - 帶游泳池都可讓您感受到家的溫馨與舒適。

入住Studio With Swimming Pool 80 meters near the beach您將享受酒店的尊貴服務,輕松到達尼斯的各主要商業中心和景點,歡迎您預訂我們酒店!

Studio With Swimming Pool 80 meters near the beach地址:
法國 · 尼斯 · · 9 Avenue Gloria

Studio With Swimming Pool 80 meters near the beach電話:

Studio With Swimming Pool 80 meters near the beach網站:http://big54596340.hotels168.com

Studio With Swimming Pool 80 meters near the beach圖片展示


Q:Studio With Swimming Pool 80 meters near the beach是幾星級的?
A:您好,Studio With Swimming Pool 80 meters near the beach達到了四星級標準,具體以旅游局公布的為準。
Q:Studio With Swimming Pool 80 meters near the beach在哪里?
A:您好,Studio With Swimming Pool 80 meters near the beach位于尼斯9 Avenue Gloria。
Q:Studio With Swimming Pool 80 meters near the beach如何預訂?
A:可以通過Studio With Swimming Pool 80 meters near the beach網站進行預訂,各大旅游平臺也是可以預訂的。
Q:Studio With Swimming Pool 80 meters near the beach可以開增值稅專用發票嗎?